#17 Book Club Meeting

Our 17th Book Club meeting discussion was about books in the genre of Steampunk:

What is steampunk? Novelist states:

“Gears, goggles, and airships await! Often inspired by Victorian-era culture, these steampunk adventures mix of fantasy and alt-history “science” powered by throwback technologies (real or imaginary).”

Northern Lights by Philip Pullman
Northern Lights by Philip Pullman

So, if you like fantasy, history, science and adventure, then this may be the genre for you or something different to try from what you normally read. This genre often features strong, well-developed characters and some novels or series may also include romance as characters develop and face struggles and challenges. 

You can check out eLibrary for a few steampunk suggestions here

OverDrive also has eBooks and audiobooks available. View a list here.

If you’re interested in exploring further, you might like to take a look at Novelist’s steampunk teen list available here.

Finally, this list from YALSA is also worth checking out. We have some of the books shown here (but not all of them). You may be able to check OverDrive or your local public library for books that we don’t have in print in the library.

Have fun exploring this genre further.

Mrs Sylaprany, Mrs Hanratty & Mrs Ryan